Browsing "Research Centres and Institutes" by By Date

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024An assessment of ACT road infrastructure for compatibility with Advanced Driver Assistance SystemsMackenzie, J.; van den Berg, A.; Ponte, G.; ACT Road Safety Fund
2024Evolutionary transition from surface to subterranean living in Australian water beetles (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae) through adaptive and relaxed selectionZhao, Y.; Guzik, M.; Humphreys, W.; Watts, C.; Cooper, S.; Sherratt, E.
2024Reconstructing colonization dynamics to establish how human activities transformed island biodiversityTomlinson, S.; Lomolino, M.V.; Anderson, A.; Austin, J.J.; Brown, S.C.; Haythorne, S.; Perry, G.L.W.; Wilmshurst, J.M.; Wood, J.R.; Fordham, D.A.
2023A review of SA line markings for suitability with lane support systems: a video analysis trialElsegood, M.; Mackenzie, J.; South Australian Government
2023Car drivers with an AIS2+ spine injury: Description of a sample from South AustraliaDutschke, J.K.; Lindsay, V.; Hutchinson, T.P.; Jones, C.; South Australian Government
2023Present, Past and Future of Glass art and science exhibitionRadionova, A.
2023Instance-Dependent Noisy Label Learning via Graphical ModellingGarg, A.; Nguyen, C.; Felix, R.; Do, T.-T.; Carneiro, G.; IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) (2 Jan 2023 - 7 Jan 2023 : Waikoloa, HI, USA)
2023Hyperdimensional Feature Fusion for Out-of-Distribution DetectionWilson, S.; Fischer, T.; Sunderhauf, N.; Dayoub, F.; IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) (3 Jan 2023 - 7 Jan 2023 : Waikoloa, Hawaii)
2023Description of Hibbertia hesperia (Dilleniaceae), a new species from the Kimberley region, and a new regional key to speciesHammer, T.
2023Profiling head on crashes in South AustraliaDoecke, S.; Thompson, J.P.; Elsegood, M.E.; Ponte, G.; South Australian Government
2023Vehicle speeds in South Australia 2020Kloeden, C.; Woolley, J.; South Australian Government
2023Chronological constraint of Neanderthal cultural and environmental changes in southwestern Europe: MIS 5-MIS 3 dating of the Axlor site (Biscay, Spain)Demuro, M.; Arnold, L.J.; González-Urquijo, J.; Lazuen, T.; Frochoso, M.
2023Climate-driven ‘species-on-the-move’ provide tangible anchors to engage the public on climate changePecl, G.T.; Kelly, R.; Lucas, C.; van Putten, I.; Badhe, R.; Champion, C.; Chen, I.C.; Defeo, O.; Gaitan-Espitia, J.D.; Evengård, B.; Fordham, D.A.; Guo, F.; Henriques, R.; Henry, S.; Lenoir, J.; McGhie, H.; Mustonen, T.; Oliver, S.; Pettorelli, N.; Pinsky, M.L.; et al.
2023Quantitative PCR overestimation of DNA in samples contaminated with tinBonsu, D.N.O.; Higgins, D.; Simon, C.; Goodwin, C.S.; Henry, J.M.; Austin, J.J.
2023Experimental and computational characterisation of an artificial light harvesting complexSlimani, S.L.; Kostecki, R.; Kursunlu, A.N.; Kee, T.W.; Tapping, P.C.; Mak, A.M.; Quach, J.Q.
2023Investigation of refractive index dynamics during in vitro embryo development using off-axis digital holographic microscopyDwapanyin, G.O.; Chow, D.J.X.; Tan, T.C.Y.; Dubost, N.S.; Morizet, J.M.; Dunning, K.R.; Dholakia, K.
2023The role of incentive mechanisms in promoting forest restorationTedesco, A.M.; Brancalion, P.H.S.; Hepburn, M.L.H.; Walji, K.; Wilson, K.A.; Possingham, H.P.; Dean, A.J.; Nugent, N.; Elias-Trostmann, K.; Perez-Hammerle, K.V.; Rhodes, J.R.
2023Mode-Locked and Tunable 3.5 µM Fiber Laser Using an Acousto-Optic ModulatorHenderson-Sapir, O.; Bawden, N.; Theodosiou, A.; Majewski, M.R.; Kalli, K.; Jackson, S.D.; Ottaway, D.J.
2023Optical transport over millimeter distances of a microscopic particle using a novel all-fiber Bessel-like beam generatorLee, H.; Lee, M.; Lee, H.J.; Yoon, J.; Dholakia, K.; Oh, K.
2023High-Speed Optical Mode Switch in Lithium Niobate on InsulatorJiang, Y.; Han, X.; Li, Y.; Xiao, H.; Huang, H.; Zhang, P.; Dubey, A.; Yuan, M.; Nguyen, T.G.; Boes, A.; Li, Y.; Ren, G.; Xue, J.; Hao, Q.; Su, Y.; Mitchell, A.; Tian, Y.