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Showing results 1 to 20 of 11386  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20101,2,3-Triazolyl amino acids as AMPA receptor ligandsStanley, N.; Pedersen, D.; Nielsen, B.; Kvist, T.; Mathiesen, J.; Brauner-Osborne, H.; Taylor, D.; Abell, A.
20001/mQ corrections to the Bethe-Salpeter equation for ΛQ in the diquark pictureGuo, X.; Thomas, A.; Williams, A.
200410W Injection-Locked CW Nd:YAG laserHosken, D.; Mudge, D.; Veitch, P.; Munch, J.; LIGO Scientific Collaboration Meeting (2004 : Livingston, Louisiana)
200510W Nd:YAG laser for gravitational wave interferometryHosken, D.; Mudge, D.; Veitch, P.; Munch, J.; Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy (7th : 2005 : Rotorua, New Zealand)
200510W Nd:YAG Laser for TAMA300Hosken, D.; Mudge, D.; Veitch, P.; Munch, J.; Takeno, K.; Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves (6th : 2005: Okinawa, Japan)
2008110W 790nm pumped 1908nm thulium fibre laserBennetts, S.; Hemming, A.; Davidson, A.; Lancaster, D.; Joint Conference of the Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference and the Australian Conference On Optical Fibre Technology (2008 : Sydney, NSW)
201112mm line survey of the dense molecular gas towards the W28 field TeV gamma-ray sourcesNicholas, B.; Rowell, G.; Burton, M.; Walsh, A.; Fukui, Y.; Kawamura, A.; Longmore, S.; Keto, E.
200314th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference - PrefaceDally, B.; Kelso, R.; Nathan, G.; Denier, J.
20051⁻⁺ exotic meson at light quark massesHedditch, J.; Kamleh, W.; Lasscock, B.; Leinweber, D.; Williams, A.
20202 μm laser characteristics and spectroscopic properties of Yb³⁺/Ho³⁺ co-doped GPGNKhalid, M.; Ebendorff-Heidepriem, H.; Lancaster, D.G.; Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO PR) (3 Aug 2020 - 5 Aug 2020 : virtual online)
20072,3,7,8,12,13-Hexahydroxy-10,15-dihydro-5H-tribenzo[a,d,g]cyclononene acetone disolvateSumby, C.; Hardie, M.
20092-D Coordination Polymers of Hexa(4-cyanophenyl)[3]-radialene and Silver(I): Anion•••π-Interactions and Radialene C−H•••Anion Hydrogen Bonds in the Solid-State Interactions of Hexaaryl[3]-radialenes with AnionsHollis, C.; Hanton, L.; Morris, J.; Sumby, C.
20142-nitroveratryl as a photocleavable thiol-protecting group for directed disulfide bond formation in the chemical synthesis of insulinKaras, J.; Scanlon, D.; Forbes, B.; Vetter, I.; Lewis, R.; Gardiner, J.; Separovic, F.; Wade, J.; Hossain, M.
20122.1 μm waveguide laser fabricated by femtosecond laser direct-writing in Ho³⁺, Tm³⁺:ZBLAN glassLancaster, D.; Gross, S.; Ebendorff-Heidepriem, H.; Fuerbach, A.; Withford, M.; Monro, T.
20202000 Year-old Bogong moth (Agrotis infusa) Aboriginal food remains, AustraliaStephenson, B.; David, B.; Fresløv, J.; Arnold, L.J.; GunaiKurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation,; Delannoy, J.-J.; Petchey, F.; Urwin, C.; Wong, V.N.L.; Fullagar, R.; Green, H.; Mialanes, J.; McDowell, M.; Wood, R.; Hellstrom, J.
20022001 Australian CensusHugo, Graeme John
20052005 winter monitoring of the southern CoorongPaton, David Cleland
20092009 Centre for Aboriginal Studies in Music (CASM) Band Night Concert, with world premiere performances of original compositions by Indigenous artistsNewsome, J.; Pak Poy, A.; Petherick, D.; Rotumah, G.; Turner, A.; Newsome, Jennifer Kim; Pak Poy, Anthony Christopher; Petherick, Douglas John; Rotumah, Grayson Ernest; Turner, Ashley Maxwell
20122012 Migration update reportHugo, G.; Migration Update Conference (2012 : Adelaide, South Australia)
200324 channels x 10 GHz multiwavelength pulse source based on supercontinuum generation in highly nonlinear holey fiberYusoff, Z.; Teh, P.; Petropoulos, P.; Furusawa, K.; Belardi, W.; Monro, T.; Richardson, D.; Optical Fiber Communications Conference (2003 : Atlanta, USA)