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Results 1-10 of 219 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003Connecting structure functions on the lattice with phenomenologyDetmold, W.; Melnitchouk, W.; Thomas, A.; 3rd Circum-Pan-Pacific Symposium on High Energy Spain Physics (8 Oct 2001 - 13 Oct 2001 : PEKING UNIV, BEIJING, PEOPLES R CHINA)
2005Finite volume dependence of hadron properties and lattice QCDThomas, A.; Ashley, J.; Leinweber, D.; Young, R.; Barnes, T.; Godfrey, S.; Petrov, A.; Swanson, E.; Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics (1st : 2004 : Illinois, USA)
2002Lattice QCD and hadron structureThomas, A.; Guzey, V.; Kizilersu, A.; Thomas, A.; Nagae, T.; Physics at the Japan Hadron Facility (JHF) (14 March 2002 : Adelaide, Australia)
2005Liquid-gas phase transition and Coulomb instability of asymmetric nuclear systemsWang, P.; Leinweber, D.; Thomas, A.; Williams, A.
1999On studying charm in nuclei through antiproton annihilationSibirtsev, A.; Tsushima, K.; Thomas, A.
2002Quenched chiral physics in baryon massesYoung, R.; Leinweber, D.; Thomas, A.; Wright, S.; Guzey, V.; Kizilersu, A.; Thomas, A.; Nagae, T.; Workshop on Physics at the Japan Hadron Facility (2002 : Adelaide, S. Aust.)
1997CVC in Particle PhysicsThomas, A.
2013Production of Ξ⁻-hypernuclei via the (K⁻, K⁺) reaction in a quark-meson coupling modelTsushima, K.; Shyam, R.; Thomas, A.
2002Proceedings of the workshop on lepton scattering, hadrons and QCDMelnitchouk, W.; Schreiber, A.; Thomas, A.; Tandy, P.
2001A new slant on hadron structureDetmold, W.; Leinweber, D.; Melnitchouk, W.; Thomas, A.; Wright, S.