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Results 1-10 of 65 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Inference of epidemiological parameters from household stratified dataWalker, J.; Ross, J.; Black, A.; Yang, Y.
2007On the analysis of hospital infection data using Markov modelsRoss, J.; Taimre, T.; Kulasiri, D.; Oxley, L.; International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (17th : 2007 : Christchurch, New Zealand)
2009Rules of thumb for metapopulation managementRoss, J.; Pollett, P.; Anderssen, R.; Braddock, R.; Newham, L.; World IMACS and MODSIM09 International Congress (18th : 2009 : Cairns, Qld)
2011Optimal GPS tracking for estimating species movementsPagendam, D.; Ross, J.; Chan, F.; Marinova, D.; Anderssen, R.S.; International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (19th : 2011 : Perth, Australia)
2015Computation of epidemic final size distributionsBlack, A.; Ross, J.
2014Assessment of the risk of Ebola importation to AustraliaCope, R.; Cassey, P.; Hugo, G.; Ross, J.
2020Mo’ characters mo’ problems: Online social media platform constraints and modes of communicationMitchell, L.; Dent, J.; Ross, J.; Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AOIR) (10 Oct 2018 - 13 Oct 2018 : Montreal, Canada)
2007Catastrophe management and inter-reserve distance for marine reserve networksWagner, L.; Ross, J.; Possingham, H.
2017Intervention to maximise the probability of epidemic fade-outBallard, P.; Bean, N.; Ross, J.
2019Predicting the risk of biological invasions using environmental similarity and transport network connectednessCope, R.; Ross, J.; Wittmann, T.; Watts, M.; Cassey, P.