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Type: Conference paper
Title: Gauge-variant propagators and the running coupling from lattice QCD
Author: Ilgenfritz, Ernst-Michael
Muller-Preussker, Michael
Sternbeck, Andre
Schiller, A.
Citation: Sense of beauty in physics : a volume in honour of Adriano Di Giacomo / M. D'Elia, K. Konishi, E. Meggiolaro, and P. Rossi (eds.): pp.359-368
Publisher: Pisa University Press
Issue Date: 2006
Series/Report no.: Didattica e ricerca
ISBN: 8884923840
School/Discipline: School of Chemistry and Physics : Physics and Mathematical Physics
Abstract: On the occasion of the 70th birthday of Prof. Adriano Di Giacomo we report on recent numerical computations of the Landau gauge gluon and ghost propagators as well as of a non-symmetric MOM-scheme ghost-gluon vertex in quenched and full lattice QCD. Special emphasis is paid to the Gribov copy problem and to the unquenching effect. The corresponding running coupling \alpha_s(q^2) is found and shown to decrease for q^2 \le 0.3 GeV^2 in the infrared limit. No indication for a non-trivial infrared fixed point is seen in agreement with findings from truncated systems of Dyson-Schwinger equations treated on a four-dimensional torus.
Description: Also published in: arXiv:hep-lat/0601027v1, 21 Jan 2006: 1-10
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Appears in Collections:Physics publications

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