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Type: Journal article
Title: Thermal weakening localizes intraplate deformation along the southern Australian continental margin
Author: Holford, S.
Hillis, R.
Hand, M.
Sandiford, M.
Citation: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2011; 305(1-2):207-214
Publisher: Elsevier Science BV
Issue Date: 2011
ISSN: 0012-821X
Statement of
Simon P. Holford, Richard R. Hillis, Martin Hand, Mike Sandiford
Abstract: The controls on seismicity and fault reactivation in stable intraplate crust located far from active plate boundaries are poorly understood. The southern Australian continental margin has been undergoing mild levels of deformation over the past ~10 Myr, manifested today by high levels of seismicity for a stable intraplate region. However, this deformation is partitioned, with zones of abundant neotectonic faults with evidence for Pliocene–Quaternary displacement, enhanced relief (up to 1–2 km) and high seismicity (numerous M > 5 earthquakes) such as the Flinders Ranges adjoining areas of little neotectonic activity, subdued topography and low levels of seismicity such as the Murray Basin and Nullarbor Plain. Here we present a new compilation of 192 heat flow data for the southern Australian margin. Variations in heat flow correlate well with variations in neotectonic and seismic activity, with regions of deformation corresponding to elevated heat flows of up to ~90 mW m− 2. We propose that the southern Australian margin provides the best evidence to-date that active intraplate deformation may be localized and controlled by the thermal properties of the crust and upper mantle.
Keywords: Australia
heat flow
intraplate deformation
Rights: Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.02.056
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Appears in Collections:Aurora harvest
Australian School of Petroleum publications
Environment Institute publications

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