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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Power Plant Cooling Technologies: Hybrid Cooling Systems Can Save WaterYilmaz, F.; Hessami, M.; Kouzani, A.; Hu, E.
2012Automated detection of lung nodules in computed tomography images: a reviewLee, S.; Kouzani, A.; Hu, E.
2011Intelligent energy management control of vehicle air conditioning via look-ahead systemKhayyam, H.; Nahavandi, S.; Hu, E.; Kouzani, A.; Chonka, A.; Abawajy, J.; Marano, V.; Davis, S.
2010Solar thermal aided power generationHu, E.; Yang, Y.; Nishimura, A.; Yilmaz, F.; Kouzani, A.
2011Coordinated energy management of vehicle air conditioning systemKhayyam, H.; Kouzani, A.; Hu, E.; Nahavandi, S.
2011An efficient way to use medium-or-low temperature solar heat for power generation - integration into conventional power plantYang, Y.; Yan, Q.; Zhai, R.; Kouzani, A.; Hu, E.
2010Random forest based lung nodule classification aided by clusteringLee, S.; Kouzani, A.; Hu, E.
2010Multi-point and multi-level solar integration into a conventional coal-fired power plantYan, Q.; Yang, Y.; Nishimura, A.; Kouzani, A.; Hu, E.
2010Design and construction of a micropump for drug delivery applicationsKouzani, A.; Ivankovic, M.; Fielding, M.; Kaynak, A.; Yang, C.; Duan, W.; Hu, E.; IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (2010 : Gold Coast, Australia)
2009Hybrid classification of pulmonary nodulesLee, S.; Kouzani, A.; Hu, E.; Cai, Z.H.; Li, Z.H.; Kang, Z.; Liu, Y.; ISICA (23 Oct 2009 - 25 Oct 2009 : Communications in Computer and Information Science)