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Type: Journal article
Title: Who controls the uses of organs after death?: law in the books, law in practice and the view of the people
Author: Naffine, N.
Richards, B.
De lacey, S.
Braunack-Mayer, A.
Rogers, W.
Citation: Journal of Law and Medicine, 2012; 20(2):295-305
Publisher: Lawbook Co.
Issue Date: 2012
ISSN: 1320-159X
Statement of
Ngaire Naffine, Bernadette Richards, Sheryl de Lacey, Annette Braunack-Mayer and Wendy Rogers
Abstract: The conventional wisdom is that we are free to dispose of our organs at death and that they will be employed according to our wishes. However, this reflects neither the formal law nor medical practice. This article explores the theory underlying the principle of self-determination after death. It presents an overview of Australian law and the way that the law is interpreted in clinical practice. It then presents the results of a community survey on organ disposition, and identifies a gap between community expectations and the current operation of Australian law. It concludes with some specific recommendations for development of the law to align it more closely with contemporary community views.
Keywords: Humans
Personal Autonomy
Informed Consent
Tissue Donors
Tissue and Organ Procurement
Rights: © 2012 Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited
Grant ID: ARC
Description (link):||Icae35bd3399e11e28abce6b64809e9e1
Appears in Collections:Aurora harvest
Law publications

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