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Type: Journal article
Title: Modelling the adsorption of methane molecules into carbon nanotubes
Author: Adisa, O.
Cox, B.
Hill, J.
Citation: Materials Science Forum, 2012; 700:104-107
Publisher: Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Issue Date: 2012
ISSN: 0255-5476
Editor: Ruck, B.J.
Kemmitt, T.
Statement of
Olumide O. Adisa, Barry J. Cox and James M. Hill
Abstract: We investigate the prospect of methane gas storage in carbon nanotubes, and in particular we determine the interaction energy between a methane molecule and (9,5), (8,8) and (10,10) carbon nanotubes. Employing the Lennard-Jones potential together with the continuous approximation, we determine analytically the interaction energy for a methane molecule inside a carbon nanotube. Our results indicate that larger tubes are highly favoured sites for methane storage although smaller tubes might be superior for methane adsorption at higher temperatures, especially in the range of 400-500 K.
Keywords: Methane
Lennard-Jones potential
Rights: ©(2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
DOI: 10.4028/
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Appears in Collections:Aurora harvest
Mathematical Sciences publications

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